Packaging Compliance

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Under The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 2007, obligated packaging producers must register with the Environment Agency and meet waste packaging recycling and recovery responsibilities.
Uren Food Group Ltd are obligated under the regulations and as we are committed to fulfilling all our environmental obligations we are fully compliant through our registration with UK government approved Packaging Producer Compliance scheme, Beyondly. Our packaging producer registration number is NPWD108215.
About Packaging Waste Regulations
The Packaging Waste Regulations focus on ensuring packaging waste generated from business activity in the UK is reduced, considered for re-use, recycled or recovered in line with targets outlined by the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.
On an annual basis we collate data on the packaging we handle within our company. This data determines a set unit of packaging recovery evidence which we finance.
Beyondly can provide more information about the Packaging Waste Regulations and UK recycling at and or find out more at