Uren’s annual donation to the Wirral Food Bank

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Everyday thousands of people in the UK go hungry, due to a range of reasons. In these cases, a bag of food and everyday essentials can make a huge difference. The food bank partners with a wide range of care professionals such as doctors, social workers, health visitors and the police to identify people in crisis and issue them with a foodbank voucher. These people can then bring their voucher to a collection centre where it can be redeemed for three days’ worth of emergency food.
Wirral Food Bank is located in Birkenhead. They collect donations from local supermarkets, businesses and schools. The Birkenhead branch is part of a nationwide network of food banks supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
For the past two years, Uren have been proud to support the Wirral Food Bank’s efforts to bring much needed supplies to the local community, businesses and schools.
The foodbank itself is run by local people who volunteer their time to help others in need.
Uren employees Tracy Matchett & Stephen Gibbons arranged for a bumper drop off at the food bank following the critical needs posted on the food bank website www.wirral.foodbank.org.uk
Foodbank Manager Richard Roberts explained since November 2011 they have fed and supported 47,234 people including 16,887 children. The majority of the food they collect is donated by local people and without this they couldn’t operate. They were incredibly grateful for our contribution and continued support.
Uren look forward to working closely with the food bank in the years to come!!!