
Heart Healthy Diets - 2021 Ingredient Trends

20 April 2021

What is a heart-healthy diet? Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death globally…

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2021 Avocado Update

16 April 2021

Avocado popularity continues to grow globally … Avocado popularity has grown consistently year on year since 2012…

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Ingredient Update: Prebiotic Fibre

17 March 2021

What are prebiotic fibres? Prebiotics are a type of dietary fibre that help to cultivate healthy gut bacteria.

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L-Theanine: An Ingredient to Watch

26 February 2021

What is L-Theanine? L-theanine is an amino acid found in green and black tea leaves that is moving from the niche to the mainstream.

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Miso: An Ingredient to Watch

12 February 2021

What is Miso? Miso is a Japanese fermented paste with a strong umami flavour. With origins dating back to the eighth century…

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Uren supports the local community

28 January 2021

Uren's Sales and Marketing Co-ordinator Axelle Savary recently volunteered for a newly established community service in the New Brighton area.

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New Retail Manager

25 January 2021

“I enjoy the challenges that UK Retail brings and how the retail arena has evolved with the inclusion of UK discounters.

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Hemp Seeds: An ingredient to watch

21 January 2021

What are hemp seeds? Hemp seeds are a product of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, and while it is … related to the marijuana species…

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Oat milk: Plant-based ingredient update

23 December 2020

Oat milk has gained traction over recent months as consumer demand for plant-based products continues to grow.

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Uren supports local families

2 December 2020

At Uren, we have strong ties to our local community, having been based in the area since establishment more than 125 years ago.

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