News Ingredient Trends

3 Flavour Trends to Watch out for in 2022

17 March 2022

Innovation is a key part of the food industry, and flavour trends are always evolving to keep up with consumer preferences.

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What are IQF vegetables?

28 February 2022

What are IQF vegetables? IQF vegetables , or Individually Quick Frozen vegetables…

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Hibiscus: The Functional Flower with Many Health Benefits

24 February 2022

When most people think of hibiscus, they probably think of the beautiful flowers that can be found in many tropical climates. However…

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2022 Organic Food Trends

26 January 2022

2022 Organic Food Trends … Introduction … Our team has been investigating the most popular organic food trend predictions for the food industry in…

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Non-alcoholic drinks trends 2022

11 January 2022

Non-alcoholic drinks trends 2022 … In the UK this year, 1 in 6 adults who drink alcohol are planning to participate in Dry January.

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UK Food Trends 2022

19 December 2021

UK Food Trends: What's in store for 2022 … As 2021 draws to a close, our team have been closely following the major UK food and drink trends for 2022.

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Plant-based food trends 2022

6 December 2021

Plant-based food trends: What's next for 2022? There's no doubt that plant-based food market is booming.

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Kombucha: A review of the health benefits

24 August 2021

Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been around for centuries and has recently seen an increase in popularity.

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Plant based ready meals soar in popularity

23 August 2021

Plant based ready meals are making it easier than ever for people to cut the amount of meat they eat through various healthy, convenient options.

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What are the health benefits of peanuts?

26 July 2021

The health benefits and versatility of peanuts make for an excellent choice as a high-quality protein snack.

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